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‘The Craft Shop’ To Celebrate 30 Years

The Boorowa Court House Arts & Crafts Co-operative, also locally known as “The Craft Shop” commenced business on 19th November, 1994.

The Boorowa Court House Arts & Crafts Co-operative is housed in the historical Court House building on Marsden Street which is rented from Hilltops Council.

The Court House had ceased to exist as a local court and as a result, the building was offered to the Boorowa Council.

This was accepted and a committee was set up to consider the formation of a Craft Shop.

Meetings were held to set up the rules for quality control of craft, tea room and a constitution.

Lorna Spackman on the Executive for 23 years and current Secretary of Boorowa Court House Arts & Crafts with Jenny Reid, Chairperson for over 2 years. Boorowa Court House Arts & Crafts Member 29 and a half years.


As Rob. Gledhill who was Mayor of Boorowa Shire Council, said on 4th August, 1994 “If you sew it, knit it, weld it, turn it, cut it, glue it or dry it, you need to come to the public meeting to discuss the opening of an Arts and Crafts Centre in the Boorowa Court House”.

He also said that the amount of arts and crafts goods manufactured in the Boorowa Shire is enormous and with a sales outlet such as the Court House it could become an important part of the promotion of the Boorowa area.

The Craft shop has never had any outside donations to assist in the running of the business.

An initial loan from the Boorowa Council of $2000 in Oct, 1994 for setting up expenses was paid back in May, 1995 – just seven months into business.

Membership is open to all members of the Boorowa Shire which was the Council in existence at that time.

Dawn Barton and Cathy Walsh, two of the original committee are still members today.


Dawn Barton and Cathy Walsh, original Committee Members. Cathy was first Chairperson and an active Member ever since 1994 30 years ago.
Dawn was the person when a Councillor on Council who suggested a Visitors Arts & Crafts Centre.



Dawn Barton was a Councillor on Boorowa Council who contributed as the initiator of the idea of having a craft shop.

Cathy Walsh was the first Chairperson. Jenny Reid is the current Chairperson – a member for over 29 years.

Anne Medway was the first person to pay her membership fee.

Later members have provided long term organisational abilities which has contributed to the success of the organisation given by Lorna Spackman for 23 years as Treasurer and Secretary and both positions at the same time for a while.

Julie-Anne Gibbons has been Treasurer for 13 years.



Lorna Spackman with the Boorowa Business Chamber Excellence in Tourism Business of the Year 2023 for the Boorowa Court House Arts & Crafts.


The Craft Shop has been “home” to many women of Boorowa since its opening 30 years ago, providing a place for them to sell their homemade craft articles and a place of friendship, especially in times of trouble.

A “cuppa” and friendly face makes a world of difference to those experiencing a time of sadness.

Many visitors have arrived in unhappy circumstances and leave feeling so much better after experiencing the friendly attitude of the staff.

So it is much more than a “shop”.

The main target is to provide a service to the local community and the travelling public.

As the craft shop is situated on the Lachlan Valley Way it provides a convenient stopover on their journey.

An article in the “Canberra Times” stated, “The best place for morning or afternoon tea is in the Old Court House at Boorowa”.

The country charm of the Magistrates Tea Room makes meal taking or a “cuppa” a real pleasure.

Light snacks are available and our Devonshire Teas are well known and served with local jam and fresh cream.


Our friendly members are here to assist in the best way.

Tourist coaches have been catered for since opening in 1996.



These coaches have brought income to Boorowa.


One particular time was when the drivers of two coaches had forgotten to contact the Boorowa Craft Shop to book in for morning tea. They realised this when leaving Yass.

However, after a quick phone call to the Craft Shop members were able to provide sandwiches and Devonshire Teas for 70 people in 45 minutes!

The business also ensures that the presentation of craft articles for sale is neat, tidy, and displayed in a professional manner.

Some time ago, a professional business advisor had the opportunity to oversee the business approach and arrangements of goods displayed in the shop.

She advised that she could not offer any advice for further improvements and congratulated the committee management on the excellence of the arrangements.



Our thanks to the Shop Manager, Joy Mattress, for her excellent work over many years.

Visitors from many parts of Australia, and indeed, the world, have been thrilled with the range of local, good quality goods that can be purchased.

The impressive hand-made range of arts and crafts are locally made with love.

Knitted or crocheted items like matinee jackets, jumpers for young and old, beanies and many other items are stocked all year round and can come in handy for those unexpected bursts of very cold weather.

Also stocked are homemade jams, pickles chutneys, slices, sweets, cards and novelty items.


The challenging environment for today’s businesses has been met head-on with the executive acknowledging that to remain viable they must move with the times.

From pen and paper at the beginning of the Craft Shop the computer age has enabled the Craft Shop to be more efficient in dealing with financial matters.



Eftpos facilities have been available since approximately 2009.

Computer technology, the gathering of information pertaining to the visitor’s home areas, helps the Craft Shop to have information on hand to provide a suitable service. Profits from sales have been donated to many organisations, local and statewide.

The income for the running of the Boorowa Court House Arts & Crafts has been derived from the commission charged on the sale of members goods.

Among the many donations made by the Boorowa Court House Arts and Crafts Co-operative is the contribution to Woolfest, International Women’s Day, Endometriosis, Burrowa House, the local Schools, Boorowa Show, Australia Day Committee, Cancer research and many others.

A Work for the Dole event took place in 2001.

This was valued at $1,700 to assist in the training of recipients.

Several young people had the opportunity to learn the basics of bookkeeping and retail trading.

This set them up for a future in commerce – we were pleased to present certificates of attainment and a reference to the recipients for future employment.

This was also an interesting experience for members.


Some of the many items the Craft Shop has on display for sale.


Signs were erected on the main roads into Boorowa giving visitors an indication that the Boorowa Court House Arts & Crafts is open seven days a week, providing crafts, teas and information – thus, at that time, becoming the unofficial visitor information centre where advice was given to passing travellers.

In February 2000 – Accreditation for the Visitor Information Centre was received. The Boorowa Tourist Officer, Barbara Manion had previously asked if the Craft Shop would be interested in carrying out this venture – as this had been ongoing for the last six years in an unofficial capacity – it then became official. The Craft Shop contributed to the annual cost of membership. The Boorowa Council made name badges available to members. Information stands were provided, which contain maps, booklets and brochures on towns near and far, for interest to tourists.

Now in the Hilltops Council area, the Boorowa Court House Arts & Crafts continues to carry out the position of the Visitor Information Centre.

Return customers say it all! This is ongoing and members often receive reports about the Craft Shop from people from other towns – this has encouraged further customers. It is known that customers especially make the Craft Shop their highlight of coming to Boorowa. Their comments are “Let’s take a trip to Boorowa and have a Devonshire Tea at the Craft Shop”.

In addition to paying rent, the Craft Shop has installed a health approved kitchen, new carpet, airconditioning, furniture for tea room all of which has created an ambient atmosphere for members and customers. A ramp for disabled customers was constructed at the back door in 1997 by Council to make for easier access to the building.

In order to cover costs the team room has had a positive effect on the income.



In later times tourist items have been added – teaspoons, bumper stickers, mugs, socks, cards and other items. Humphrey Law socks contain wool that has been sourced from Boorowa and it was decided to add these items to the tourist line. The socks have been selling well for some years. Recently a new line of socks has been introduced – this has the Superb Parrot embroidered on the leg of the sock and has become very popular. This was a request to Humphrey Law by a member of the Craft Shop.

Promotion of Indigenous created items such as tea towels and books on aboriginal art are available. Historical books that mention Boorowa are on sale in the shop. Helen Lloyd’s historical book “Boorowa – Over 160 Years of White Settlement” is as popular as ever and the shop is proud to stock it for sale.

The Craft Shop continues to function as a viable and successful enterprise with a strong sense of helping our members and the local business as an ongoing activity. New members are always welcome – membership is not restricted to women – men have been involved over the years and currently the Boorowa Men’s Den is a member supplying woodwork items from their workshop.



In 2023 the Boorowa Court House Arts & Crafts entered and won the Excellence in Tourism Business Award Section which was promoted by the Boorowa Business Chamber. The shop is the proud possessor of a trophy.

The Court House Art & Crafts has become all that those people of 30 years ago envisaged. Grateful thanks are extended to the visionaries who worked so hard to conceive and implement the craft shop and to those who have continued to make this venture a success.

A morning tea will be offered to members of Boorowa to recognise the 30th Anniversary of the Boorowa Court House Arts & Crafts on Tuesday 12th November from 10.30 a.m.

Everyone is welcome – we look forward to this event.

Despite the comment in 1994 “It (the Craft Shop) will probably only last for 12 months” the organisation has made it for 30 years!

Contributed by The Boorowa Court House Arts & Crafts Co-operative

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